Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Creating something out of nothing - the Canopy Lx journey so far

We have now been 6 weeks into the Canopy Lisbon journey and here are the results!  Alongside we also have a 5 star rating from our members on facebook so far which is super awesome to see.

The journey is one we will start to tell more about as we go, because it really is a story of making something out of nothing.  We are bootstrapping the Canopy into existence from a zero euro startup balance.  Through revenues we are able to fund things, or else as founders we each have to put our hands into our own wallets and find a way to get things done.

For this phase as well as our own ingenuity we are completely reliant on the kindnesses of many people.  The list of stakeholders and interested parties - people who want to help us make it work - is huge.  Some of friends and family.  Others are customers, suppliers, our landlord, friends of friends and even strangers who have seen the mission we are on as something they want to support.

So far we have had contributions in terms of Chairs, desks, pictures, cutlery, fridges, wooden pallets, a shared risk lease agreement and most preciously time.  One of my personal favourite moments was the crowdsourced party to paint the new space.  Friends, future members of Canopy community and many children came along and helped us make the walls look clean and fresh with a new coat of paint.  It was a hot Saturday and people worked for many hours.  It was awesome to be part of.

So for founders we are very grateful for this support and the reality is it is helping us to believe that we bring something of value to the community here.  The co-working is one part.  The mentorship another and the incubation we hope will be our most impactful contribution.

It is also helping us to mentor and coach other people who are in the phase.  We are literally sitting in a working MVP.  Looking around you can see 100 or more areas that could be better.  You can also see through our photos the 5 iterations we have already been through to make things better.

Right now the first construction work in the space is taking place.  It has been a customer driven change - to accommodate a new team moving in very soon.  It's amazing how quickly this is all moving.

If you would like to see more of the story then come by to Canopy any day - Rua Dom Luis I, Number 3, Piso 2 and say hello.  Watch out also for our VLog which we will be starting in the next couple of weeks.
